Jane Donelson “Player of the Year” Award
Each year a deserving USA-TLA member or member company is honored with the Jane Donelson Player of the Year award for outstanding contributions to toy libraries and early childhood development. Since the award’s inception in 1985 many renowned professionals concerned with ensuring that play is a centerpiece to a young child’s life and learning experience have won this award.
2022 – Anelis Coscioni, Director of the Toy Lending Library of South Dakota

2020 Award Winners
Jenn Kush
USATLA Social Media Advisor; Chicago, New Zealand, Portugal
Michele Poulos
Teacher, Play Expert; Naples, Florida
Northbrook Public Library
Northbrook, Illinois
2019 Award Winners
Marcia Benitez
L.A. County Department of Public Social Services

Rebecca Nutter
Director, Minneapolis Toy Library
2018 Award Winners
(left to right)
Donna Giantonnia, USATLA Board Member
Celia Huffman, Youth Education Coordinator, Cuyahoga County Public Library
Tracy Strobel, Deputy Director, Cuyahoga County Public Library
Pam Jankowski, Literacy and Learning Director, Cuyahoga County Public Library
2017 Award Winners
Rochester Toy Library Accepting the award for the Rochester Toy Library was Sarah Fitts-Romig, currently toy librarian at the RTL and speaker at the recent Rochester-USA-TLA Conference.

Deb Willsea Ms. Willsea gave singular support and inspiration to the Rochester Toy Library over the last 30 years as it took shape and gained a community foothold. She is now engaged in starting a toy library in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
2015 Award Winner
Marieca Y. Anthony, Kaplan Early Learning Company, Medina Ohio
2014 Award Winner
Susan Kirschner, Youth Literacy and Outreach Supervisor for Cuyahoga County Public Library
2013 Award Winners
Elaine and Myron AdlerElaine and Myron Adler founded the Adler Toy Library at the Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center, part of Children’s Aid and Family Services in Paramus, N.J. Children from preschool to kindergarten delight in its holdings.